AUB Libraries Online Exhibits

1940s-50s: Palestine and other events


Life Magazine, 1953

Palestine was very much on the mind of the students. Starting in 1948, after the Nakba, Palestine would become a main catalyst for leftist student movements, giving them a cause. Here, a demonstration on the occasion of the memory of the Nakba passes in front of the Graham tram station, towards Bliss Street, and eventually reaches the Main Gate.

شريط مصوّر لمظاهرة طلاب الجامعة الاميركية - السياسة  8 أذار 1958.pdf

Student Demonstrations at AUB, As-Siyasah March 8, 1958

Outlook, v. 1-6, January 26, 1952, p. 1 and 4.

The 1952 April Fool’s Day issue of Outlook (called Lookout on that day) satirized the proliferation of student protests that had dominated campus life for the previous few years. In the paper’s lead article, the author declared, “A School of Revolutionary Government, designed to equip AUB students with a wide knowledge of modern techniques of conspiracy and revolution, is to be opened during the fall semester, a communique from the President’s Office announced late Friday.” Continuing the same theme, the article reports, “All courses will include a minimum of three lab hours to be spent in street battles with gendarmes and similar applications of theories learned in classrooms.” President Stephen Penrose (1948-1954), the article stated, gave a Friday morning chapel talk on the new school motto: “That they may have strife and have it more abundantly.” In a further announcement, the paper described the day’s protest. There will be a demonstration this afternoon at three in front of the Medical Gate to object against everything[.] All those interested please report there promptly five [minutes] before time. The demonstration promises to be very exciting—tear gas will be used, and the slogans are simply delightful. If all goes well, police interference is expected. If not to join, come and watch."