AUB Libraries Online Exhibits

Browse Exhibits (19 total)

  • FoundersDayAUBThumbnail.png

    Founders' Legacy: Honoring the Vision, Celebrating the Journey

    The exhibit highlights the leading roles that the American Protestant missionaries played, not only in founding a unique institution of higher education, but in most major cultural activities in Syria, at that time. The exhibit also sheds light on the interaction between the American faculty and the Arab instructors and their substantial efforts for authoring Arabic books for their diligent students. It also features the degrees of the first graduating class and their contributions to the society of the Middle East.

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    أنيسة روضة نجار: ذكريات إنجازات وتوصيات

    أنيسة روضة نجار (1913-2016) رائدة من رائدات العمل الإجتماعي والنسوي تخرجت من الجامعة الأميركية عام 1936 وسافرت الى العراق لتعمل كمدرسة ومديرة لبضع سنوات. عادت أنيسة بعدها الى لبنان وساهمت بتأسيس العديد من الجمعيات النسائية والإجتماعية لتنمية المدينة والريف. مثلت، طوال حياتها المديدة، لبنان في العديد من المؤتمرات النسائية الإقليمية والدولية. يحتوي هذا المعرض على صور ووثائق من مجموعة السيدة أنيسة روضة نجار التي تعطي لمحة عن حياتها الزاخرة بالعطاء والتفاني في الخدمة العامة.

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    The Class Reunion is the major event organized by the AUB Office of Alumni Relations each year. Alumni and their families from around the world return to Lebanon to celebrate reunion with their former classmates. One of the highlights was the Honoring Ceremony when AUB invited the members of the Classes to celebrate their 50th and 25th  anniversaries .

    On this occasion, the University Libraries Archives & Special Collections Department prepared an online exhibit for the classes. 

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    Women Pioneers in Arab Press (1892-1925)

    ​​​​The exhibit highlights the contributions of women writers in the Arab Nahda or the Arab awakening. It celebrates the work of ten women writers, who published their own magazines and promoted the ideas of modernization through social, political, and religious reform. Beginning with Hind Nawfal, who was the first to start a women’s magazine in 1892, and ending with Fatima al Youssef, with her well-acclaimed newspaper “Rus el Youssef”, published in 1925, the exhibit also sheds light on Alexandra Khoury, Rose Antun, Labibah Hashem, Mary Ajami, Mary Yanni, Najla Abi Lama’, Julia To’meh, and Afifah Saab, and their works.

  • EmergenceofGreaterlebanon.png

    The Emergence of Greater Lebanon

    This exhibit was prepared on the occasion of Greater Lebanon’s centennial. The primary sources displayed were retrieved from a collection donated by Hikmat Kassir to the AUB Libraries. The documents are mostly related to the Peace Conference. Also, to focus on the few days before and after the declaration, Claims for Territorial Attachment and Independence and other documents from the Arab World towards Tutorship are showcased, along with the reactions after the Declaration of Greater Lebanon. Additionally, some documents related to Beirut-Damascus Railway Company are exhibited, and a short historical documentary, directed by Abdo Bourizk is added.

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    الشيخ عبد القادر قباني.... سيرة مدينة في حياة رجل 1848-1935

    الشبخ عبد القادر القبّاني (1848-1935) أحد الرواد الأوائل في الحقول التربوية والإجتماعية والعمرانية في مدينة بيروت أواخر القرن التاسع عشر. ساهم بإنشاء جريدة ثمرات الفنون وإصدارها من عام 1875 الى عام 1908. يعد من أوائل الدعاة لتعليم المرأة، فساهم بإنشاء أول مدرستين للبنات تابعة لجمعية المقاصد الخيرية الإسلامية. ساعد كذلك على تطوير التعليم المهني فساهم بإنشاء مدرسة الصنايع. وقد كان القباني رائداً في الدعوة للعمل الإجتماعي فحث في كتاباته على الإكتتاب لصالح مشاريع إنمائية وإنسانية. وساعد، يوم كان رئيساً للمجلس البلدي، بتطوير مدينة بيروت من الناحية العمرانية من خلال بناء برج الساعة والسبيل الحميدي وتحسين العمل البلدي وأداء الموظفين وضبط الإنفاق. يظهر هذا المعرض علاقة الشيخ القباني بمعاصريه ودوره كرجل دولة وقانون ودوره في الخدمة العامة.

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    Global History? New and Old: Select Works from the Letitia and Toubia Hachem Collection

    The Toubia and Letitia Hachem Collection consists of approximately 3,000 pieces, dating from the 16th century to the mid-20th century. The collection highlights include stunning examples of religious manuscripts early  printing houses, disciplines, historical periods, languages, and extremely diverse subjects. The books, chosen for this exhibit, date between the 17th to the 18th century that cover the history of the ancient world: Egypt, Rome, England, and Greece, along with the Assyrians, Macedonians and Babylonians. The selection portrays historical understanding of the globalized present world.

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    “Compendiums of Giving: Preserving Our Written Cultural Heritage”

    The exhibit features 25 special collections, archives, and primary source documents which were donated to the AUB Libraries. The collections include personal papers, correspondence, photos, postcards, posters, and manuscripts of prominent personalities that cover diverse subjects like  education, Arab nationalism, athletics, social service, urban planning, diplomacy, description and travel, Islamic Sciences, economics, and art. These collections support original research and turn AUB Libraries into a destination of choice and distinction for scholars interested in fresh grassroots look at our region.

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    Early Arabic Printing in Europe: A Selection of Books (1514–1694)

    The Arabs who established themselves in southern Spain introduced the art of paper making into Europe. Written evidence have shown that Arabs have known block printing in the early 16th century. The exhibition displays samples from the first Arabic Incunabula, as well as the early Arabic books printed in Italy (Rome), France, Dutch-Republic, Germany, and the United Kingdom. A Geographic Visualization and timeline are presented, as well as a comprehensive bibliography of the listed items along with a general bibliography on the topic.

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    Fields of Vision and Mediations: Cinema and Political Posters