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The Kodak (1904) and Al Urwa al Wuthqa (1923-1932) were two distinctive magazines published by SPC/AUB students. The first, a monthly college publication, was designed and prepared by one talented student, Iskandar Makarius BA. 1904 who had a passion in photography. The aim of the publication was to document his life in the Syrian Protestant College and country and to present his talents in photo journalism. While al Urwa al Wuthqa was the produce of the efforts of a group of nationalist students that aimed “to give the members of the society the opportunity to practice speaking and writing Arabic as well as publishing the most recent scientific and literary research”. Kodak was full of black and white photos, taken by author himself, to preserve a historical record of the time of events, places, personalities and activities on and off AUB campus. Al Urwa Al Wuthqa was the voice of AUB Arab nationalists during the early half of the 20th century. It included articles by many students that became leaders in the Arab nationalist movement along with illustrations of prominent artists that avidly decorated the pages of the magazine.