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AUB and World War Two (1939-45)
Inter-War Years: 1918-1939
Middle East after WWI: A drastically Changed Region in the Demise of the Ottoman Empire
Political and Economic changes
Socio-Cultural changes and the Rise of Education
AUB between the two wars: A transformed University, not a College anymore!
Administration and Academic Development: An American University Coping Under the French Mandate
Civic and Social engagement and Co-education: A modern University at the service of a changing community
International College: a top Prep School for the University
Rising Regional Tensions and AUB's Growth: A record enrollment!
AUB's Finances in Solid State
AUB's Engagements: Civil and Foreign
Economic Conditions in the Country and Arrival of Troops
Situation in the Middle East worsens: Emergency Measures
Students Turn to Athletics and Social Service, as well as to Politics: Arab Nationalism
AUB's Academics: the University adjusts some of its programs and diversifies its courses and enrollment
In spite it all: Student activism continues! Secretly
The Theater of War comes to Lebanon
A difficult Situation in the country, and the City: Beirut Bombed!
AUB 's needs: the effects of the War
The Dentistry School Closes after 30 years of Service
An institutional haven for some
AUB and Social Service!
Shift of Powers: the Allies enter the regional scene
Enrollment Rises at a Cost: inflation and regional Unrest
Independence promised, but only half-heartedly given and withheld...!
AUB's 75th Anniversary
Broadened Horizons: AUB, a melting Pot and a Haven of tolerance and service
Hope and an end in Sight? Academia Carries on
The Struggle for Independence
AUB Alumni in Lebanese Government, and in Key Regional and local Positions
Difficult times
Nationalism & Independence
Changes brought by the war and a new Era in the region: the regional Ascendency of American education
The Rise of Nationalism Across the Region
AUB's Liberal Arts education: An education to make the world a better place
AUB's Alumni and the UN: The San Francisco Conference, 1945
Conclusion: the Way forward: an Ascending University: Build as high as Heaven!