AUB Libraries Online Exhibits

A Variety of Perspectives to Explore Meanings


الدشمة، إعرف حقوقك – العدد 3 – رسوم وكتابة مجدي الشافعي – السنة 2012

The power of comics lies in their ability to distill defining events and complex social and cultural dynamics and realities through a simple medium: a drawing and a few words. In fact, comics' malleability and great power of expression has lent them to be used equally effectively by oppositional groups as well as by deeply entrenched structures, power institutions, and governing regimes. Comics can bluntly say one thing to mean the exact opposite, and because of their visual nature, they can embody layers of complex meanings, represent differing perspectives, and indeed embody, express and represent the contradictions of the human condition!

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حالكوميكس، هاتولي رسّامين - رسم مختار الزين، تلوين أيمن رأفت، فكرة نائل عيسى - القاهرة : الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب، 2014

Deeply entrenched governments as well as precarious oppositional groups have both used, written, established, published, or fostered comics series and publications to different ends, whether to mock, mobilize, represent, glorify, affirm, anchor and solidify, or change social, political and cultural realities.

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توك توك: محطة القصص المصورة. العدد 2، قنديل ، القاهرة: 2011