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  • 6-R43p163.jpg

    Telegraph from the inhabitants of Elbokah sent to George Clemenceau requesting their annexation to Lebanon
  • 8-r126p25.jpg

    To the Head of the Political Bureau and the Drogmanat
    Petition from the inhabitants of Houle, requesting their annexation to Merjayoun

    To his Excellency General Gouraud
    “We, the undersigned inhabitants of the village el Houlé, have heard with astonishment certain rumors stating that the Houlé depends on Palestine. We unanimously protest against this fact, and ask the following:
    All the Houle's relations, especially trading, are being held with Jdeide-Merjayoun and El Konaitre. Therefore, we strongly deny the rule of Jews in this region; we urge our attachment to the French zone administered by the Great French Power.
    We seek the constitution of the Houlé in a Moudiriah, dependent on the Merjayoun Caza […]”

    Signed: 31 signatures and seals
  • AlHizbAlwatany1.pdf

    The Lebanese National Party proposal for an independent Greater Lebanon, and the establishment of a Lebanese government.
    كتيب الحزب الوطني اللبناني: البرنامج والقانون، وفيه برنامج استقلال لبنان الكبير بحدوده الطبيعية والتاريخية وتكوين هيئة حكومة دستورية بشكل إمارة وراثية، والقسم الثاني يتضمن قوانين الحزب.

    -الحزب الوطني اللبناني: البرنامج والقانون. مصر: مطبعة بروكاتشيا، 1920.
  • allianceLibanaise3.pdf

    L'alliance Libanaise D'Egypte et la Question du Liban. Le Caire: Imp. J. Kawa, 1921
  • 1-r42p103.jpg

    To the American Commission
    To the Commissioner of France in Syria
    To the Administrative Council of Lebanon

    Petition from the inhabitants of Derdaghia, requesting annexation to Lebanon during the Peace Conference.

    Signed by the mayor and town hall members
  • SyrieLaDevant2.pdf

    Comité Central Syrien, Paris. La Syrie devant La Conférence: Mémoire à Georges Clemenceau et à MM. les Délégués des Puissances Alliées et Associées à cette Conférence. Paris, 1919.
  • ChekriGhanem1.pdf

    The biography of Mr. Chekri Ghanem from the booklet “Hommage à M. Chécri Ganem”.

    - Comités d'Egypte, Caire. Hommage à M. Chécri Ganem. Le Caire: Imp. A. Procaccia, 1921.
  • GrandLibanDeSyrie1.pdf

    Greater Lebanon of Syria at the Peace Conference: October 1919

    - Le Grand-Liban De Syrie À La Conférence De La Paix: Octobre 1919. [Signé : Cyrille Moghabghab.]. Paris: Impr. L. Desvignes, 1919.
  • 1a-R122p151a.jpg

    French Army of the Levant,
    Weekly report, September 1-6, 1920.

    The General Commander-in-Chief solemnly proclaimed the GREATER LEBANON, on September 1st, in Beirut, in front of a massive crowd from all over the new territory to greet the fulfillment of its secular vows: its liberation and independence.
    It was the occasion of a real national protest. General GOURAUD, coming from ALEY, his summer residence, was received in a city full of enthusiastic people.
    […] the new Lebanese flag of our three colors adorned with the cedar on its white stripe.
    The entire population, regardless of its beliefs, gathered at Parc des Pins, where the ceremony was to take place — the General GOURAUD was surrounded by all the Lebanese notables, to his right the Maronite Patriarch and to his left the Grand Mufti. After having listened to the welcoming speeches which reassured him of the enormous recognition from the Lebanese people and to an emotional crowd, he delivered the declaration of Greater Lebanon, which was greeted with massive approval and applause.
    […] The borders of the new State have been set from HOMS to the boundaries of PALESTINE and to the East until the crests of ANTI- LEBANON. They include TRIPOLI, SAIDA, TYR, and BEIRUT, which is now the capital of GREATER LEBANON.
  • 2a-r122p177.jpg

    French Army of the Levant
    Aley, September 22, 1920
    Weekly report, September 15-21, 1920

    The general situation in Greater Lebanon remains satisfactory. The Lebanese National Party in Cairo has spread a brochure containing the Party's program and status.
    The author envisions the mandate of a Power as an aid that must provide the Country with "supreme prosperity and absolute independence," reclaiming a royalty for Greater Lebanon.
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