AUB Libraries Online Exhibits

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  • the life of service.jpg

    A monthly handwritten magazine, edited by L. Levonian, G. Daghlian , E. Nasir, H. Kalartinian, Charalambos Damianides Ph.M. 1911. The magazine focuses on theological questions, and the meaning of Christian life for students. The library holds six issues among its collections. Its cover design is very simple, almost austere, and the inside pages do not include any illustrations.
  • النهضة الاصلاحية pt.jpg

    A bi-monthly handwritten Arabic magazine, self-described as “critical scientific literary comic paper”. Edited by Philip Birbary B.A. 1910. and Taufik Kurban B.A. 1910 (for the 2nd year of the magazine), and by Aboud Nasrallah B.A. 1912; and Tawfik Kandalaft B.A. 1912, M.D. 1916 (for the third year of the magazine). It discusses literary articles, and features poetry by prominent students, e.g. Ali Salam, B.A. 1910. It also covers YMCA student elections and athletic news, features some jokes, commercial advertisements, as well as descriptions of student life employment prospects and travels.
  • The SPC Missionary Review May 30, 1908.jpg

    A monthly publication published by the members of the Mission Study Class under the auspices of the Missionary Committee of the Y.M.C.A. Its motto was “The World for Christ” and the issue is devoted to missionary work in Korea and the Far East. The library holds a single issue among its collection.
  • the university times.jpg

    A monthly handwritten English publication which discusses College news, literary articles, US political articles, and historical anecdotes; it also features some jokes. The library only holds the first volume in two copies.
  • vouloir c'est pouvoir.jpg

    This bi-monthly French magazine was published by Wadie Bustany , B.A. 1907, O. Khuri, Spiridon Saad, Ph.M. 1911, and Najib Farah M.D. 1913. It discusses different French literature and authors and comments on social norms, and literary styles, etc. The Library owns three non-illustrated issues.

  • the business man.jpg

    In addition to its chief editor, Rufa'il Duweik , B.C. 1913, the magazine’s other editors included: A. Faris, Zaki Haykal B.C. 1913 , Daud Sununu B.C. 1913. The library owns four issues from the year 1911. The self-stated mission of the paper is to “bring before the readers as many of the student activities as possible; in addition to that to devote a great deal of each number to a series of commercial articles ..”. It discusses economics and politics in the Middle East, and also covers international events.
  • students union gazette 14.jpg

    A typed magazine with handwritten captions; editor in chief Badie Bushrui, B.A 1914, M.A. 1917; assistant editor Spiridon Abu Mas’ud, B.A. 1913; , typist Azar Habib, Sketcher Salim Haddad, B.A. 1914, D.D.S. 1922.
    The Students' Union Gazette was issued by the students of the Syrian Protestant College (SPC). The first issue was published in 1907, but unfortunately is lacking in the library collection. The library holds 9 volumes from 1912-1932. The gazette is published under the Union’s motto “Growth”. The gazette tried to address matters related to the college life, and of concern and interest to the Student Union. Many articles describe student life, and extracurricular activities. Of particular interest are a few students’ recounts of their experiences of the First World War. The two volumes featured here contain few illustrations; instead postcards and photographs that illustrate the various articles, and enrich the published pieces were glued inside the body of the articles.

  • الثمرة p .jpg

    The first issue of al Thamarah, issued by Thamarat al Este’dadiyah Society, appeared on February 6th, 1914. The editors of the first volume were Mohamad Salam, Mahmoud Hamdi, Nicholas Bshara and Antonios Hayli. The board of editors changed with every volume, counting among the editing members important figures, e.g. Mr. Omar el Yafi (1915-1916), Muhyeddine Halawani (1916-1917 and 1918- 1919), Matta Akrawi (1919-1920), Abdallah Mashnouk (1918-1919) and Anis Nsouli (1918-1919) (the latter two went on to publish and edit the newspaper Beirut Al Masa).
    The library holds five volumes, each one covering an academic year. Al-thamarah discussed student life after the decline of the Ottoman Empire; covered visits of prominent personalities to the Syrian Protestant College, e.g. Prince Faysal and General Allenby, and contained many illustrations by Omar El Onsi ( see issues of 1918 and 1919). Featured here is a portrait Prince Faysal by Onsi.
  • the anchor June 1924a.jpg

    A bilingual (Arabic and English) magazine, covering economic and financial matters, it was issued by the students of the Department of Business and Commerce. Afif Beyhom and Amin Nuzhet worked as illustartors of the magazine, and Karam Karam as its editor, among others. As is shown below, the English section of the magazine was typed, whereas the Arabic section was handwritten.
  • the west hall brotherhood828.jpg

    This Bulletin was prepared by Dr. William T. Van Dyck and it was issued by the West Hall Brotherhood Society. The library holds issues from February and May 1925. Both are composed mainly of press clippings. The magazine’s motto reads as follow: “The realm in which we share is vastly larger than that in which we differ”.
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