AUB Libraries Online Exhibits

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  • Other - Hind engament 1.jpg
  • Rose Youssef 1 title page.jpg

    Front page and editorial of the first issue of Rūz al-Yūsuf
  • khidr 1 first page.jpg

    Front page and introduction of the first issue pf al-Khidr Journal, including the publication’s Establishment Decree, dated June 4, 1919.
  • marah 1 cover.jpg

    Front page and editorial of the eighth issue of the first year of al-Marʼah al-jadīdah.
  • Fajr1 frontpaGE.jpg

    Front page and editorial of the first issue of the third year of al-Fajr
  • Minerva cover1.jpg

    First page and editorial of Mīnirfā.
  • Arus 1.jpg

    Front page and editorial of the first issue of al-ʻArūs.
  • fatat al sharq 1 tp.jpg

    Front page and editorial of the first issue of Fatat al-Sharq
  • Sayyidat 1 frontpage editorial.jpg

    Front page and editorial of the first issue of Majallat al-sayyidāt wa-al-banāt
  • Anis 1- frontpage.jpg

    Front page and the 2 editorials of the first issue of Anis al-Jalis: the first one stated that the founder, Aliksandrā Khūrī Avyirīnū had to ask for permission before starting her publication, the second addresses the audience, and explains the purpose of the journal.
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