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Mgr. Elias Pierre Hoyek, Patriarche Maronite à son Excellence M. Barrère, Ambassadeur de France à Rome, Liban, Neo Kannobin, le 8 Septembre, 1920.
Letter from Bishop Elias Pierre Howayek, Maronite Patriarch
To Mr. Barrère, French Ambassador in Rome
Lebanon, Neo Kannobin, September 8, 1920.
“I have just attended the Proclamation of Greater Lebanon, and I am still under the effect of the emotions that evolved at this solemn moment. France has done perfect secular work with the Lebanese to see their national aspirations completed. This accomplishment is due to the efforts and the wisdom of General Gouraud, who solved the Syrian problem, so quickly and well, to the great satisfaction of your friends in Lebanon.” -
Télégramme, [à] Monsieur Millerand, Président du Conseil. Ministre des Affaires Étrangères, Paris.
French Minister at Montevideo
Mr. Millerand, Chairman of the Board. Minister of Foreign Affairs Paris
“The loyal and notable France has provided Lebanon with its fully legitimate borders. It has thus reassured the oppressed people, offering those liberal politics and freedom, as a sign of real protection against tyranny. Consequently, we Lebanese residents [of] Bahia Brazil salute, through your excellence, the Glorious France, to which we owe our independence.”
Signed: Nassry for the Colony -
Le Consul de France à Valparaiso, à son Excellence Monsieur Le Ministre des Affaires Étrangères, à Paris, Valparaiso, le 20 septembre, 1920.
September 20, 1920.
French Consulate in Valparaiso
Directorate of the Commercial and Political Affairs
The French Consul in Valparaiso to his Excellency the Minister for Foreign Affairs
“I have the honor to inform your Excellency that, following the instructions of the Legation of France at Santiago, I transmitted to the local Syrian colony the ministerial telegram of September 13, 1920, confirming the independence of Greater Lebanon under the French mandate, declared on September 1, 1920 [...]”
Affaires Étrangères, Télégramme à l’arrivée, La Havane, le 19 septembre, 1920.
September 19, 1920.
Telegram No 37, from La Havana.
“[…] I hasten to let you know that the Lebanese Colony of Havana has welcomed with great joy the new proclamation [of the] independence [of] Greater Lebanon under the French mandate […]”
Affaires Étrangères, Télégramme à l’arrivée, Beyrouth, le 27 septembre, 1920.
Beirut, September 27, 1920
For Mr. Terrier. Press Notes
During a three-day trip to Tripoli and Qannoubine, where I was received at the summer residence of the Maronite Patriarch, I could see unanimous acclamations, and general enthusiasm, in favor of Greater Lebanon and the recognition of the henceforth independent populations under the rule of France, the liberator. I declared to all that it was necessary, not only for the wealth of the country but to put an end to emigration and bring back the emigrants to Greater Lebanon, where France promises to bring security, prosperity, and justice for all. -
Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Télégramme. Paris, le 13 septembre, 1920.
Independence of Lebanon
Paris, September 13, 1920.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
I would be grateful if you could confirm to the resident Lebanese of your country that the independence of Greater Lebanon under the French mandate was declared on September 1. The Beka[a], the regions of Sour and Saïda, as well as the cities of Beirut and Tripoli have been added as well. The flag adopted by the people is the tricolored flag carrying a cedar in the white stripe.
Signed: Millerand? -
Affaires Étrangeres, Télégramme à l’arrivée, Buenos Ayres, le 11 septembre, 1920.
Buenos Aires
September 11, 1920
The Emir Arslan introduced himself to the legation this morning, along with seven delegates from the Lebanese Alliance. He asked me, on behalf of the Lebanese residents in the Argentinian Republic, to telegraph Your Eminence to obtain official confirmation of the proclamation of the independence of Greater Lebanon, which took place on September 1 in Beirut. He also asked if the flag raised on this occasion could be adopted now as the Lebanese flag.
The delegates wish to convey (to the French Government) on this occasion, " a testimony of their eternal gratitude to France."
Signed: Clausse -
Affaires Étrangères, Télégramme au Départ, Paris, le 6 septembre, 1920.
September 6, 1920
Letter from Millerand to Jusserand, French Ambassador in the United States.
“I rejoiced with you from my heart at Independence of Greater Lebanon free now and forever…” -
Affaires Étrangères, Télégramme à l’arrivée, Washington, le 23 octobre, 1920.
Washington, October 23, 1920.
“Mr. Moukarzel, President of the Lebanese in America, informed us that the American government did not yet receive official notification about Mount Lebanon now being a state independent from Syria and placed under the French mandate.
While the postal authorities accept only letters and parcels bearing the expression “Mount Lebanon-Syria," he asks for the intervention of the Embassy to let the federal post approve “Mount Lebanon" as an address.
May I proceed with this request?
Signed: Bearn.
Note sur L’Emir Faycal et la Situation Orientale
Note on the Emir Faisal and the Eastern Situation [1920]
Text of a telegram from Greater Lebanon’s committee to the Syrian Central Committee 1920
"By an unspeakable act of violence, the Emir Faisal [...] has become the king of Syria, refusing any help or collaboration from France. Faced with the threat of a brutal regime, with its inevitable result of bloody unrest, the people of Beirut and all of Greater Lebanon expressively protested and refused to recognize the King of Syria. […]
Greater Lebanon maintains its full claims. It intends to remain independent, rejects this suzerainty, resists by arms, and appeals to France to defend its rights, which are now associated with its own, based on the secular pact and the sworn-on arrangement.”