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  • المنارة132.jpg

    A literary magazine, edited by Jurji Saba, M.D. 1910. It features poems as well as sociological articles on the social life of SPC students outside the campus. It also covers life in the city, and tries to report on the life of various ethnic and religious groups.
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    A monthly review edited by Mohamad Abdul Jabbar El-Khairi and illustrated by Hrand Utidjian. The first issue appeared in January 1906, and the library holds 8 issues. The May 1906 volume, displayed here, covers SPC’s Field Day (May 1906), and contains many photographs showcasing the games and the teams.
  • Pioneers of SPC 1905.jpg
  • miltonian.jpg

    Issued by the Milton Society (established in 1902), this bi-weekly magazine was edited by Morris Franklin, B.A. 1904 and illustrated by Nasri Kawar. The first issue appeared on May 26th, 1903. The library holds 4 issues, all handwritten, with the exception of the December 1903 issue, which was typed. The paper’s self-stated mission was to offer members and students : “ […]a chance to display their ability in the use of the English language” It was also to serve as “ as an advertising medium for our societies and others; and for the collection of ideas of amelioration for our College”.
  • Happy Days136.jpg

    A bi-monthly (1903-1904) then monthly (1905) review. Beautifully illustrated with some comics and designs on the cover page, mostly executed by Harotyun GiragosTerzian, B.A. 1907. The first issue appeared on December 1st, 1903 and the Chief Editor was the instructor of English in the Preparatory Department, Mr. Nikula Tabit (1903-1904). The board of publishers consisted mainly of Armenian students, with Terzian being the main illustrator of the review. The library holds 7 issues from the years 1903-1904, and 4 from 1905. The content of the articles includes short stories, riddles and puzzles.
  • الغادة.jpg

    A bi-monthly “scientific, literary and critical” paper, edited by is Elia Baroodi, B.A. 1905. Handwritten with some illustrations, and a printed cover page. The first issue is dated December 17th, 1903 and the library holds nine issues till June 20th, 1904. The paper was issued by the Scientific and Commercial departments of SPC. The magazine’s motto was “Cooperation, Fraternity, Equality and Liberty”. It featured some literary articles and reviews of College Societies’ activities. Displayed here is a biography of George Post.
  • I O U 5 Minutes Feb 1902.jpg
  • al hadiqua118.jpg

    A “scientific, literary, comic”, bi-weekly review. Edited by Bashir Kassar (M.D. 1908) and Najib Nassar (B.A. 1906 and Registrar at the Preparatory Department). Its mission was to “spread knowledge and serve humanity”.
    A colorful logo is drawn at the cover page of the issues reflecting the Ottoman era with the year drawn at the stop in Thughra style. The library holds issues from the magazine’s third and fourth years (1902-1903).
  • الحظ127.jpg

    A “literary, comic and critical” bi-weekly magazine, with some interesting illustrations. Starting with the 9th issue, a motto appeared on the top of the cover page: “God, Nation, Virtue”. Originally founded in 1901 by Isaac Atiyah , it counted among its editors many poets such as Amin Takieddine (who went to Cairo where he established Al-Zouhour magazine with Antoun El Gemayel) and Salim Azar, both of whom went to become prominent poets and journalists. Among the subjects it tackled was a typical life of a student at SPC, and it was often done in a witty, interesting and comparative manner: see the article featured here regarding a comparison of students’ life at SPC and at Jesuit schools.
  • العصر.jpg

    A bi-monthly, “scientific, literary and comic” magazine, edited by Selim Abd El-Ahad . The magazine had a policy not to publish political and religious articles:
    "لا تنشر الرسائل السياسية او الدينية
    The first issue was printed as a Folio, with subsequent issues being printed in A4 format.
    The second issue of the first year is dated Monday April 9th, 1900. The Library holds three issues only.
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