AUB Libraries Online Exhibits

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  • Ms. Jane Van Zandt with first class of nursing Adele Kassab, Rosa Kulunijian and Ossana Maksoudian.jpg

    Ms. Jane Van Zandt (sitting) with first class of nursing: Adele Kassab, Rosa Kulunijian and Ossana Maksoudian.
  • Instructors at Preparatory School, 1907-1910.jpg

    Those present include: Arthur B. Fowler, Charles L. Duncan, Charles A. Dana, Ralph A. Felton, Ms. Lanice B. Paton, Warren Edwin. Bristol, and Robert C. Byerly.
  • Portrait of Edward Frederick Nicoley.jpg
  • American Press Building.jpg
  • Wartime faculty, 1917.jpg

    Wartime faculty, 1917; 1st row L-R: Triantorphyllo C. Ladakis, James A. Patch,…
  • SPC American Staff 1903.jpg

    SPC American Staff, 1903 Sitting L-r: Alfred Barrows, Mckracken, George Maier, Paul Mittman, James Patch
  • Portrait of Bayard Dodge.jpg
  • al urwa al wuthqua 1924.jpg

    Al Urwa al Wuthqa magazine was a focus for cultural and political activity. Edited by prominent intellectuals throughout its years of appearance, it featured articles encouraging its readers to connect with and discover the richness and depth of their Arab culture, the beauty of the Arabic language, and to reflect upon their unique position as Arab citizens in the modern world.
    The Al Urwa al Wuthqa magazine (and some say the association itself) reached its peak of intellectual maturity and depth in the 30s and 40s, when both the association and the magazine were supervised by their Advisor, Dr. Constantine Zureik.
    Among the topics discussed in the magazine were questions of nationalism, what distinguishes the Arab nation as such, and what are some of the obstacles facing its unification. Looked at with some distance from the angle of the 21st century, many of the articles are truly striking in their subtlety, complexity and candidness.
    Also noteworthy, is the level of artistic and graphic design that the magazine achieved. Displayed here are several issues featuring drawingsby Rafaat Buheiry.
  • kodak100.jpg

    The Kodak discusses AUB social life as well as social and political events in Greater Syria, and as such, constitutes one of the early examples of reporter photo journalism. Some of the most noteworthy events covered in the three issues of The Kodak that were handed down to the Libraries are the celebration of the anniversary of the coronation of the Ottoman Sultan in BeitEddine (summer 1903), the fire of the Petroleum Store House in Beirut (January 1904).
  • Le Lien 1933-1934.jpg

    A bilingual (French and Arabic) typed magazine issued by the Association of the students and former students of the French School. The library holds only the second issue of Volume One, dated February 1934. The magazine focused on French literature and language.
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