Office of the High Commissioner and Levant Army
Information Service Secret
Periodic Intelligence Bulletin No. 33
September 5- 20, 1921.
Not signed
“Nothing particular to mention since the beginning of the month. The [...], the projects, the [...] between and within the parties are still intense. The opposition between Christians and Muslims, on the contrary, appears to be less [...] while the power [...] continue to reorganize the control of the Administration.”
The French Republic. Ministry of War
Periodical intelligence Bulletin No 34
September 21- October 5, 1921.
The state of Damascus and Greater Lebanon
“The most favorable climate, for commercial operations and the resumption of the economic life, prevails throughout the state of Damascus and Greater Lebanon.
On October 1, the Homs-Tripoli railway, which is of considerable economic importance, was inaugurated. It settles indirect relations to the coastal zone, the interior Greater-Lebanon, and the State of Damascus [...]
Economic interests will hopefully lead to political and religious rivalries and will definitively link Tripoli to the cause of Greater Lebanon.”
Signed: Head of the Eastern Section of the 3rd Bureau. VINCENT
Office of the High Commissioner and Levant Army
Information Service Secret
Periodic Intelligence Bulletin No. 37
November 5- 20, 1921.
Not signed
Greater Lebanon
“While enjoying the favorable prospects of the recent agreement in Lebanon as well as in Syria, Christians and Muslims give free rein to their spirit of intrigue. It is mainly about the future of the Lebanese status, whose modalities are [...] discussed by the press of all parties. The elections and powers of the Consultative Assembly, where the personal interest of those who aspire to play a political role is perceived, are objects of continual criticism.”